Round the Clock Services Cell : 98482-16589
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Backed with the requisite expertise and facilities.

We conduct 2 day training sessions on pump and piping systems, installation, operation, maintanance and trouble shootings of pumps for young and fresh engineer, technicians, machanics, plant operators, facility in-charges etc.

The course can be conducted on site at your premises or at a nearby temporary venue like a hotel, banquet hall which will also act as a release from routine for your staff.

  • Minimum 10 delegates per session
  • Fee Rupees 25000-00 per head
  • All aplicable statutory levies :-extra & to your account

Our Policy: - 100% advance payment-fixed rates-no bargaining-no negotiations-no bribing-no lobbying-no kickbacks-no sales talk-no false commitments-no politics only work-work-work